Which essay do you prefer?

Out of these 3. Which one tells you the most about me, which one has the best effect overall. I think the one about my event planning business gives a lot of insight into me but that information is already all over my resume ect.

Essay 1:

The night of April 9th, 2010 remains one of the most disappointing nights of my entire life. I had started an event promotion business with a few partners and it was to be our first event. Several months of hard work and preparation in the form of securing a venue, promoting , selling tickets, hiring the caterers, the bar staff and the DJ, all seemed to go down the drain in an instant.

Merely an hour after the event began; I observed with horror as the black-clad security violently ripped electrical cords from their sockets and sent drinks soaring. What was going on? We had all our permits, we had notified the neighbors, what was the problem? It turns out that we had made a venue rental agreement with a tenant. The legal proprietor of the land who was not in agreement with the event being held on his property had not been notified.

We now had to confront 300 angry patrons, demanding restitution. We couldn’t refund everyone! We had bills to pay. But everyone had paid at the gate; there were no tickets. How would we determine who could claim a refund? “Give them codes!” I exclaimed. While I wrote a different random code on pieces of paper, my partner recorded each code. We intended to use them in the way that a product key for computer software is used. The advice from our parents was to “Return everybody’s money and call it a day. We will help to pay the bills.” while some friends said, “Don’t rush the planning. Re-stage in a couple of weeks.”

My partners and I knew this wouldn’t suffice. This was our new business and our reputation was on the line. At the end of our Easter break with school fast approaching, we were determined to strike while the iron was hot. So said, so done; three days later, the event was re-staged. Those who presented a valid code were granted free entry. Many of our contracted businesses agreed to provide their services once more at no additional charge and permits were in hand. None of which was a walk in the park.

Our business has thrived, is profitable and has earned a reputation for first-class events that get free radio and television coverage. Reminiscing on that night, I wonder if today, with less youthful exuberance and naivety, if we would have taken the same risks, likely not. Creating this business has taught me important values such as the ability to work well with others, accounting skills in the form of partnership balance sheets, business concepts, organizational skills, time management, risk analysis and the ability to get back up on your feet after a brutal fall and make it a success. I have grown up on a Caribbean island within a multicultural family of entrepreneurs, so I think it’s fair to say, business is in my genes.


My never ending quest for knowledge began within the first year of my childhood. At least that’s what my relatives say, constantly iterating their memories of me in my toddler years that made such a great impression on them.

“The End”, said my mother with a sigh of relief. By this time I was fast asleep. I was only a few months old at the time. Yet I would never rest until a bedtime story was read to me. On occasion, I would disarm my raconteur, and attempt to interpret the fable independently. Eventually, I was able to detect small words that were familiar to me, such as “ball” and “mommy”. I had a thirst for knowledge. Not only did I seek to be edified, but edified on my own accord. I wanted to interpret information first-hand. Generally, children learn to speak first, and then they eventually develop a skill for reading around the age of six. I was different, I learnt how to speak and read simultaneously.

By the age of two, I was reading on my own. “Why?” This is a question th


  • I'm the same approach! I will be taught for hours and bomb a a couple of alternative test...Yet, if I skip finding out all collectively, i will ace an essay scan just with the insane quantity of BS i am harboring in my head somewhere.

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