How to lower blood pressure naturally?

I hate to use prescription meds. I just don't trust them not to cause other problems.

What food or natural remedies can I use to lower my moderately high blood pressure?


  • Besides a reduced salt intake and plenty of exercise other natural remedies include fish oil, garlic oil, Hawthorn, Coenzyme Q10 and others that you can find in a web search for "high blood pressure" + "natural remedies". Each remedy helps a bit and you may have to take several.

  • 3 years ago, I was diagnosed - hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, my legs had awful cramps, and levels were very low in my potassium, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and ending up in a ditch. That moment,I knew I had to do something because my meds weren't working. I heard about this diet from a friend and thought I'd give it a shot. The results have been remarkable. In just 21 days, I honestly can't remember feeling this good, my blood pressure went from 175/110 to 125/70.

  • Omega 3 (fish oil). Or eat fish 2x a week. Works wonders. Avoid salt or anything salty. Drink lot's of water. Don't stress over the small stuff. Exercise (another great remedy). Lower your intake of fat and sugar. If you are overweight loose some. Every 5lbs you lose decreases you chance of high blood pressure. Good Luck.

  • I have this issue as well. First definitely exercise, even if it's 30 min a day walking briskly - it makes a world of difference. Also go to GNC and get organic apple cider vinegar - it has to be organic - and take 2 tablespoons each morning - the pressure will drop a good amount from that. Also increase your intake of water & garlic ( you don't have to take the pill, just swallow a clove whole - trust it will not make your breath stink). Also remember that when you go out to eat order you're food with no salt, you'd be amazed at how much they put in there to make it taste good.

  • Try 10 minutes of DEEP breathing in and out. Fill your lungs slowly, hold for 3 seconds, release slowly, hold for 3 seconds. Repeat for 10 minutes. This lowers pressure for days each time its done. Try it!

  • take away all the sodium from your diet including table salt.. garlic, either natural or in pills, is good for lowering the blood pressure.

  • Weight loss and better physical conditioning along with avoiding things known to raise the blood pressure, such as excess salt, will do it.

  • garlic is good to lower moderately high blood pressure....try garligue, i suggest an oderless soft gel.

  • you can find many natural remedies and natural ways to lower visiting the link below

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