what do normal dads do ?

dont they like watch tv, go to work, and mow the lawn...?

my dad makes me teach him how to swear in foreign lanuages ... tries ''to teach me'' kung fu moves and ends up attacking me and just being annoying.

and he is addicted to facebook !

seriously he is 45 and he acts like he is a teenager


  • lol wow he sounds like a handful

    my dad's much more quiet. subdued, i guess. but my uncle (his brother) is like the exact opposite. u could say i get the best of both sides of the whole "dad" experience, but i would honestly prefer a normal dad too.

    ur dad + my uncle = seperated at birth

    lol :)

  • Now I see where does that come from!

    heheh just kidding :)

    Yep, my dad does everything you said first, I think he's normal. But swearing in foreign languages sounds fun. I also did Tae Kwon Do a long, loong time ago, I know how that is, I always got paired up with the big guys, they kicked hard :S thank God I survived

  • well, those are kind of stereotypes, but I guess they could be true haha.

    but my "dad" turned 52 or 53 recently i really dont remember , and he tries to be young when he shouldnt. Its annoying too because he never ever spends time with me, calls me, & seriously, I know he doesnt love me. My dad used to do that Kung fu crap on me too, I hated that! Its like they dont want to get old and they are afraid so they do things to try to impress their friends; for example, him wanting you to teach him swear words in foreign languages so he can show off to his friends.


  • Your father is trying to relate to you. What you call "annoying" is him trying really hard to keep close to his little girl and not lose you.

    It's actually pretty endearing...

    Humor him... and when it comes to Kung Fu, accidentally slip a shot into the old family jewels and he'll ease up a little.

  • my dad is 43 and he has a better social life than i do, seriously he goes down town nd he always ends up dancing with girls my age (im 22) he encourages me to get drunk, he got me drunk on my 18th birthday and he even wants to pay for my first tattoo, this is not normal lol. Oh and he also loves facebook (all his friends are woman).

    So i know how you fell hun!

  • I don't think normal dad even exist

    my dad turned 40 a week ago

    and he is a punk rocker

  • Your dad may be a little out there, but at least he's there. So whenever his weirdness is getting to you, just remember that there are those of us who would kill for a dad like yours.

  • lol wow, i'd love to have a dad like that! he sounds hillarious. he seem's really laid back...he sounds awesome.

    anyways, all my dad does is work, smoke, play lotery, eat sleep, etc. sometimes he helps out in the kitchen though. and he's trying to quit smoking right now.

  • Lol, you so just explained my dad! And don't forget fall asleep to golf and throw their socks everywhere.

    But sometimes my dad acts like a child. He's tattled on me to my mom before, lol.

  • my dad is kinda funny but yeah he watch's tv and goes to work and brings me and my friends and my brothers and sisters everywhere, and he is constantly at my sports making sure that i am the best lol.

    hes really into making sure im the best at the sports i play. lol

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