do i have a mental disorder? goes..

I'm a cutter. I have crazy mood swings, i'll go from being depressed and cold to being happy and laughing, I have this weird speech problem that only happens sometimes, and it varies in severity from getting stuck on a word to being completely unable to speak.

Whenever i try quit cutting i have small nervous breakdowns as such and have this incredible wave of random emotions within like maybe five minutes, i'll be happy, suicidal, then start screaming at people then start crying and laughing, and sometimes i'll just rip up my skin if i have no tools available.

I worry lots, i keep on worrying and i constantly think that people don't want me around,

i struggle to make decisions, whenever i'm faced with a decision i just cannot decide, and often end up cutting to relieve the stress that comes with deciding on something.

i'm very flighty, i jump out of my skin at the smallest of things.

I do not do drugs or alcohol.

Several tests i took said i have borderline or schizotypal, but neither quite seem right..

Often when i'm in my weird happy moods i start talking real fast,

and my mind is like a grenade gone wrong. My thoughts just whizz past at a thousand miles per hour and and i can't get a grip.

My mum keeps telling me its 'normal teenage mood swings' but i don't see other people like me.

When i'm talking, often my mind will wander and i'll just start this massive chain of absolute nonsense and hardly anyone can make sense of..

I often feel like i'm more intelligent than other people but i NEVER rub it in.

I do well at school.

I've been starting to hear voices, too.

Its beginning to freak me out because it just don't feel right.

I have also been told i speak weird,

When i talk, i speak rather old fasioned and use big BIG words.

It tends not to happen as much when i'm typing however.

I'm seeing a counsllor about my self-harm,

So don't tell me i need help.

I also find it difficult to make friends because i'm so convinced

that nobody wants me.

My boyfriend has been helping me with my self esteem issues majorly,

i'm no where near as depressed as i used to be now i have him.

But the hallucinations and random voices are still there.


P.S. i'm not suicidal. I've had suicidal thoughts but i'd never kill myself.


  • That is not true, you are a beautiful person and your family loves you very much. Suicide is considered as murder, this means that if you believe in God you will eternally rot in Hell.

    The murder victim does not suffer, but it is their family who truly suffers. Get professional help, talk to your school principal and counselor. I had the same problem as you. Nobody believed me, their excuse was the following: "it is normal, I feel like that too sometimes."

  • You do NOT sound bipolar, although that is the answer that you will most likely get from people here. Just believe what your doctor tells you, as it is impossible for anyone to diagnose you over the internet.

    Keep going to your counsellor, and perhaps see another doctor if you aren't happy with the way your treatment is going.

  • Not sure. I suggest you ask the std counselor on the std friends/dating site called Just register a free account and send an email to the counselor. These members have std for years. They are more professional.

  • You're likely bipolar. A professional could evaluate you and determine this, but whatever you have, getting professional help is called for.

  • honestly, you might...maybe bipolar? you really need to go to a doctor. they can really help you and maybe help you to feel a little bit better. i hope you are ok.

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