Do gay guys compete or stalk pretty girls?

My gay friend is always commenting on how pretty I am. He has started copying off of my fashion sense and started to like the same things I like etc.

This other gay guy has been staring at me all the time and watching me. He has copied off of me too, in my style!!

Do gay men watch attractive women and stalk them, and compete with them?

Is this normal?


  • There looking how you do your makeup,how you dress,your general way of life,because they are girls with "bollocks" !

  • No, i'm gay and I don't copy women or anyone I don't care about style or cloths.

  • You come off as self-centered.

    No, we do not all do that. We do not all do any particular thing. We are not psychological duplicates of each other who perform mirror actions and gather on weekends to coordinate behaviors. The fact that you phrased your question with no distinction between them and gays as a whole offends me. Not only are we not all into fashion, we are not all even remotely effeminate either. Your blatant, though common, misconception reflects very poorly on your relationship with your "friend."

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