Yellow orbs, paranormal?

I found a picture of my sister that I took a few years ago with a polaroid camera and noticed that there are 4 bright yellow, perfectly round orbs with black dots in the middle of each. She's sitting on a couch and the orbs are next to her starting near her head and going down in a straight row. I'm convinced it's paranormal especially because around this time we were messing around with Ouija boards. What do you guys think?


  • The yellow spots with black dots sound like emulsion spots that are common with analogue film and is part of the development chemicals. Sometimes they just discolour causing the yellow spots. I'm a graphic designer and part if the job is repair and restoration of damaged photos and come across the spots very often. If it's under the top layer (looks like it's in the image) then it could well be a small hair - again, this can cause what you have seen. Orbs have been investigated by the world image processing labs and they usually find that they are either stray light particles on the sensor or light reflecting of dust particles!

  • Nope, nothing paranormal, probably just dust.

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