After SADAM, who deserves death punishment? Bush or Blair?

After SADAM, who deserves death punishment? Bush or Blair?

Sadam is facing death punishment against the 148s brutal murder. But since started the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, near 1 million persons were died include soldiers of America & Briton. Who is responsible for this? Bush and his supporters started this war after a drama. They made a big misunderstanding in people’s mind about Iraq and sadam by lying they were holding Chemical weapons, but now where is it? They could find out? Why they can’t? It proves Americans (the leader for all wars) are keeping an enemy mind against Muslims and Islamic Countries, right? I invite your opinion


  • the north korean prez should be next!

  • I dont think there are many governments who could put their hands on their hearts and say they have never commited any wrong doings!! I know Sadam has done a LOT wrong but i do NOT believe he should recieve the death penalty for a number of reasons. One reason being that I believe the death penalty is wrong!! No one has the right to take another persons life for any reason whether legalized or not!! Murder is murder and only God can give life or take it away. I think a better punishment for Sadam would be to sentence him to life in prison with hard labor. Or make him slave for the people he oppressed. If this man is executed then in some peoples eyes he may be seen as a martyr or a hero. Also there has been to many instances where innocent people have been executed only to recieve a pardon later when it is found out they were infact innocent of the crime they were executed for. What good is a pardon after you are dead? (I am not saying this applys to Sadam). Why were the people who were involved with sentencing those innocent people to death then not charged with murder as that is what this is. Murder is a pre -meditated act and those people knew they were going to end someones life. How would you feel if this was your mum or dad or brother or sister or son or daughter and worse to then find out years later they were innocent? You hear on the news every day of innocent people being released from prison after a misscarriage of justice. What if they had recieved the death penalty?

  • Your figures are a bit startling.

    I think--and I am going to treat this subject seriously--mistakes were made in the war in Iraq, but they were mistakes, not deliberate acts.

    On the other hand Saddam clearly and over a period of many years committed crimes against humanity.

    We have a number of indications Saddam either had or was in the process of developing nuclear weapons. We know he used chemical weapons against a civilian population.

    You are entitled to disagree with both President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, however their actions were legal and were even the actions the UN threatened but never carried out.

    There is no evidence to support your statement they were lying. At worst they acted on incorrect information. It is also entirely possible that they acted on correct information but that the weapons Saddam may have had had already been removed from Iraq.

    We took military action in Bosnia in defense of Muslims who were being persecuted. Give me a break!!

  • None of them. Neither Bush nor Blair ordered the gassing of thousands of civilians like Saddam did against the Kurds in Halabja.

    I don't support Bush's policies and I think the Iraq war was wrong, idiotic and disastrous but I woudn't compare him to Saddam.

    As for Afghanistan, well if you complaining over the bombing and killing of the Taliban and Al Qaida, two groups who thinks women should have no rights and destroys a world cultural heritage because it looked "un-Islamic" well, then perhaps you should read a little bit more about this "peace-loving" individuals.

  • Like particularly some the others suggested, it somewhat is only the top of the iceberg. i do no longer think of he's a the precise 10 mass murderer for the 20 th Century, yet he's no longer far in the back of. the difficulty for Blair and Bush is they did no longer take over the country in an orderly way. They enable the country fall into anarchy that's the place each and all of the present issues seems to have began.

  • you may be able to answer your own question... check this out and feel free to tell all the ppl you know, and give them my email. i wanna know what the nation thinks...I found this browsing and want the entire nation to be aware of the crap the gov't really does. make sure you have some time to sit down and really pay attention it will blow your mind


    WARNING: this video is an hour and a half long and may provoke dissapoinment in our gov't. This is what really happenend on 9/11! Lemme know what you think... [email protected]

  • Bush is every bit as evil as Sadam.

  • its Bush & Blair to be hanged that too without trial even if its against the constitution of USA or Britainor any international law because they never cared for each of these & they had voilated all of them.

  • Only a Muslim, or a Muslim-lover, would be evil enough and stupid enough to make a comparison between them.

    Someday Islam will hang too. Sooner than you think.

  • Bush and Blair...both of them...also by hanging

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