aggresive fish as pets?
I know that there are fish like betta fish and oscars that are aggresive and are really cool pets but i cant have an oscar because i dont have enough room for a gigantic tank and i already have a betta. so is there any other fsh that i could have that would make coool pets and are relativly easy to take care of?
Update:oh and i do have another tank to move my betta to if i get another fish. i ment to say that before haha
There are smaller fish like Convict Cichlids, that are actually more aggressive than Oscars, but only grow to 4 or 5 inches. Means they can live happily in a 20gal tank. They are common and cheap, and pretty hardy little guys.
Edit, if you can go to a 29gal, then you can have an aggressive "community". Convict, 6 tiger barbs and a bristlenose pleco. They should all live in relative peace.
How about a Dwarf Puffer? One can be kept in a tank as small as 10 gallons. For multiples, you are better with 20 gallons or more. These are very aggressive fish with lots of personality. They do require special feeding, though. They can not live off of flakes or pellets. Instead, they need live or frozen aquatic insects such as bloodworms and once a week at least you should give them a snail such as Pond Snails or Ramshorn Snails. They also do best in tanks with tons of decorations.
it would really help to state the size of your tank. gallon wise.
imo from my recent experiences if your wanting a agressive fish thats smaller then an oscar i would suggest puffers.
i myself keep a green spotted puffer. this fish is a brackish water fish BUT it's easy as hell to change a fresh water tank to brackish water all it recquires is a hydrometer and marine salt. both are fairly cheap.
everything else is maintained as usual. this fish is also tropical or at least the climate it lives in is. so you will need a heat. this fish the only special care and really it isn't so special but it is necessary care. is that it's diet MUST consist of hard foods because it has fused teeth that continue to grow called a beak. and if not given constant hard food like clams and mussles with the shell on and closed it can easily over grow and cause the fish to starve and die. theirs a variety of hard foods like snails, shrimp, crabs, etc.. not the cheapest of foods but it is fun to watch them pick at the live crabs and demolish them and eat em. they can open the clams shells don't worry.
they need 30gals alone and shouldn't be kept with other fish. they grow to i think 6 and a half inches. i know they grow to 6 inches at least.
their are also figure 8 puffers i think those are the same care for the most part. size tank they need im not totally sure. nor about their water conditions i think they are brackish water fish as well.
you can try dwarf puffers im not sure how big those get.
their are also pea puffers but from when i kept pea puffers they are tiny as hell. mine died due to bad care within days. 1 got sucked up the filter other died from stress i suppose.
but a green spotted puffer only needs 30gals i mean that is the smallest sized tank yet a decent sized fish thats agrressive by nature. the rest i know are not really aggressive unless your stressing them out. like pleco's
puffers make good pets imo if kept good and they are very smart fish. this is the ONLY fish i had success with hand feeding but i highly don't agree you should with this they can easily bite your finger off.
i know an oscar needs 55gals minimum ( so it's said ) a green spotted puffer 30gals minimum alone.
figure 8's idk
dwarf puffers idk
but i know those 3 can be very aggressive during feeding. gsp's and fig 8's are aggressive all around and the bigger they get the more agressive they become when maturing.
What Ian said, i used to have 2 chichlids in my 20 gallon and theyd still be alive. But they are not because i moved everything and it caused stress
lol i am like u i love animals i have a "zoo" too lol but a ciclid midht fit it the tankit would eat you betta though
maby a 2 betta if you have lots of plants