seem to desperate??????????

if you and your ex were still pretty close after breaking up in the summer , and talked all the time at 2am and he said he cares for you alot, but then when school started again grade 10 (and you went to the same school ) he completly ignored you and talked to you maybe once or twice. then you were home alone one night and freaking out and you texted him saying " can you come spend the night if your still up? cause everyone else is busy and im home alone and freaking out" but he never texted back?

*and you still kinda like him and he kept ssending you mixed signals about how he feels.


  • uhhhh why did you break up with him in the first place? I dont understand why people like to break up in the summer... is it so they can have lots of sex with different people? I dont get it, but the point is, you blew your shot, and yes, you seem desperate.

  • He honestly doesnt seem to into to you. I suggest you try and sit down with him, and simple get your feelings out. If he doesnt feel that way, then just move on

  • happened to me, either confront him, or dont talk to him again. He's not worth you're time if he's not going to put work in being together

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