who else is glade cena is fired?


glad that is what i meant


  • Do any of you here really think that John Cena got fired?

    I hate to tell you this, but he is NOT fired. Okay, I get it, the wwe is doing a lame storyline where he is supposed to be fired. But I really hope people are smart enough to know that is NOT going to happen. They will come up with some stupid way to keep him around.

  • I have some Glade in my bathroom! But yes.. I am GLAD that Cena is fired. (eventhough I know he's really not)

  • Once Again, he's not fired he's just out making a wwe movie. i should really copy and paste this haha Jk

  • im not glade he is fired. im not glad either. buuuuuuuuuuuut.......... its a damn storyline

  • Storyline much?

  • Mark alert!

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