17 weeks Pregnant: Headaches, Nausea, faintness?

Two days ago I was sick with what I believe to be the Stomach flu and it went away the next day. But that day I woke up with the WORST headache that I have ALL day. I suffer from Sinus Headaches so I get them all the time but usually they go away the next day or last about 9 hours or so.. Well I went to sleep and woke up with it again. Nothing seems to get rid of it and it hurts all over. Also since this headache began I have been feeling dizzy (It comes and goes) and light headed. & everything seems 'bright.' I know that I can take Tylenol but it doesn't do anything for me. Should I wait it out, is this normal?


  • those symptoms are totally normal..

  • All that seems pretty normal, of course keep your doctor in the loop on everything. Try a cup of coffee. I know you are not supposed to have coffee when you are pregnant but one cup can do wonders for a headache and wont hurt the baby at all. And ginger ale once in awhile helps with the stomach. The faintness is, unfortunately, probably going to stuck around and might get worse but I found exercising even just a 20-30 min walk helps a lot. Just make sure to stay active unless your doctor says otherwise because it is so important to stay healthy.

  • I am 13 weeks too, so I'm curious to see what your answers are! As for me, I am already showing?? I even had a stranger ask me a few days ago when I'm due! And I am short and thin, so you will probably start showing soon! Friends of mine have felt their baby move anywhere from 16 - 22 weeks. Your next midwife appointment pretty much depends on your midwife! I saw my doctor a week ago, and am seeing them again in a month. CONGRATS!

  • its normal but Id wait it out or go to my ob/gyn so they could make me feel better. I am almost 20 weeks I don't take any pain killers but the doctor did say regular Tylenol are ok it doesn't really do anything for me that's why lol

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