My RES tank?

my RES has grown quite a bit in the last year and his 35 gallon tank is looking a bit snug, where is a good place to find an inexpensive tank for him and how big should i go?


  • I purchased a 55 gallon at Petsmart not too long ago and got it on sell for about $100 - $120 (It did not come with a cover). You may want to check out They have a variety of sizes for good prices. You can also purchase a screen top from them.

  • petsmart has really cheap tanks, i once got a 10 gallon tank for just $10. (if you have a petsmart in your area)

    but the problem with cheap tanks, cheap they are, but usually they don't come with a cover, and you end up having to pay more for the cover than for the tank.

    walmart has cheap tanks too, but again same problem as petsmart - no cover.

    if you want one with a cover and filter and everything, and you want it cheap then probably you'll have to buy a combo thingy that comes with all those things, the combo/sets, go on sale quite often.

    or you can shop online, for tanks.

  • If you have to go for a the biggest you can afford....cause he will out grow that 60 in no time. May I suggest to use Sears..they have a stand alone nice lookin pond for 250.00 and getting a filter and pump, no more than another 200.00 and he is set for ..well who knows the rest of his life. Cause mine are still here at 36 yrs .

    Otherwisw Walmart has 55 tank set up in a box for about 200.00..but he will out grow that eventually..

  • internet you can look for one or pet shops are good too

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