odd side effects..?

iv been on the pill now for 15 days and have began to get slight spotting in my knickers.. i know gross right?! im not due for my period for a while, whats happening?

i dont get it everyday, but i get it most. when will this stop?

its so F***ing annoying!!


  • It is most likely breakthrough bleeding...your body is very confused right now by the sudden influx of artificial hormones and the only way it knows to deal with it is to bleed. :-(

    It should stop by the third pack; if it doesn't then you need to talk to your doctor about changing formulations. In the mean time, buy some laundry pre-treater for the staining, and get some pantyliners just in case it gets any heavier.

  • Sounds like breakthrough bleeding to me.

    After 2 or 3 cycles, that should go away.

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