Sikh caste system?

I have a question for any sikhs out there a couple of days a go a this boy in my tec. class kept bothering me and he wanted me to do his work for him he had just from india about a year and a half ago ,so he wouldnt stop bothering me i tolde to screw off and do your own work , the boy got mad he said to my Sainis are poor lower caste in soceity and dont amount to much so this is my question as a frist genartion Indo-canadian wat diiferece dose it make in todays candaian and indian society witch caste you were born into isnt it taught in sikhism all is one so y is there such a big hype with all these diferent kids saying jatts 4 lyfe ect.. dose it really make a differce who was worker and who owned more land 400 years ago? I dont know what I should say to this boy who jus imingrated to canada was spechless what do I say when some one says something like that to you please can some explain this to me im going crazy ??


  • Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system. Any Sikh should not relate themselves to the caste system as it is used by Hindus.

  • b k is absolutely right. Sikhism denounces any kind of caste system, upholding the principle that if all people are equal in the eyes of God, who are we to judge who is good or bad, or who is superior or inferior to us? The Sikh religion teaches to respect all people equally, regardless of background, race, caste, gender, or religion.

    However, people do not always follow what the religion teaches. In my view, though it might be a bit biased, Sikhs from India or first generation Sikhs in western countries tend to have a stronger connection to the caste system simply because it a traditional element of Indian culture (in most places). I am not saying that this is right in any way, for if you declare yourself to be Sikh how can you not follow one of the most fundamental beliefs? But traditional beliefs are difficult to change.

    My advice would simply to call him on it: ask him how he can be Sikh if he sees himself and others as members of a specific caste. It may or may not have the desired effect, but if he's not completely closed-minded, it would certainly give him something to think about.

    Hope that helps some.

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