How do shy girls flirt?

Or do they flirt at all?


  • I'm extremely shy. Before I was in a relationship, you probably wouldn't ever know I was interested. I would avoid eye contact at all costs. Maybe observe how they act around people in general, and then observe the difference between that, and how they act around the suspected crush of the shy person.

    Wow I hope that made sense.

  • Well as a rather shy guy, I'll tell you how I flirt. I won't usually go right up to a girl and compliment her or crack a joke. I'll usually leave the conversation to Facebook and texting. Also, if a walk past a girl I like I will say hi but won't make a lot of eye contact. Don't get me wrong though, I do have some face to face conversations, I just don't go out of my way to get them. Hope this helped, and by the way, I only text girls I like, so if he texts you he probably likes you. Good luck! :)

  • Lol I'm shy sometimes but when It comes to guys I'm not shy cause I think that they will **** mr over anyway whata the point in having one

  • They don't. If they're shy, they just keep it to themselves. But you can see that they're interested in you when you catch them blushing or sneaking peeks at you. Shy girls can be quite cute :) Think of Fluttershy. <brony all the way>

  • By moving in a sensual way, by talking softly, move slowly but not to slow and your eyes... ummmmm... you have to make eye contact with eachother....

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