Do you like these unique names?

Juliette Laura

Ashton kate (girl)

Drew Helen (girl)


  • They're not very unique, they're all actually pretty common. I don't like Ashton or Drew for a girl, they sound like men. Juliette is pretty though.

  • I love Juliette Laura and Drew Helen but Ashton is a sucky name for a girl. It's just too masculine. And Kate sounds like it ought to be a nickname not a middle name.

  • Juliette Laura is a very pretty name...but I definitely don't like Ashton and Drew for girls!

  • Juliette Laura is great

    I hate Ashton and Drew for girls, these are Masculine names nothing feminine or flattering about them.

  • the only one I like is Juliette Laura..

    Ashton and Drew sound manly.

  • I think that ashton and drew wont work well. maybe

    Ashley kate!


    Dana/diane helen! something like that flows better. (:

  • I like all 3

  • I love the first one as for the other two the rule with me is: if you have to tell me what gender they are for, they shouldnt be used. that's just my opinion though.

  • Yeah, there very nice :)

  • not really

    But if you like its your choice

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