A country where poor infrastructure, poor schools, a "backward" economy, low capital spending, a reliance on foreign capital and money printing, budget deficits, and a weakening currency. A country where a large part of its economy and politics are controlled by foreign powers or even corporations


  • He's getting there.

  • I would not say banana republic but with Bush's spending and Obama trying to spend more than all the Presidents put together we are in not that great of shape With 99 trillion in the red and only 2.75 trillion in income a year spending will have to stop or devalue the money

  • You apparently need to go look again at the definition of "Banana Republic". But, no....Obama is not responsible for any of the things you mention. All of these started YEARS before he became President. I mean, seriously....he's been in office for 6 months, and you're going to try to blame the poor infrastructure on him??

  • Susie is a RINO.

    I have finally came to the conclusion, that there isn't a single Republican left that stands for the constitution and real Republican values.

    Have a nice day.

  • Having lived in one. No.

    And it would be impossible to do that in 6 months considering the fiscal budgetary cycle started in July of last year and the new one begins today.

  • Yes, he's a lying b*****d

  • NO the republicans/conservatives did it all by themselves.

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