Do/Did you enjoy school?


  • primary no i hate it soooooooooooooooooooo boring lol

    and all the teachers act like (pushed my nose up ) lol

  • Parts of it I did, parts of it I did not.

    I do not at all enjoy the thought of leaving though, so the "parts of it I did" obviously outweighs the "parts of it I did not".

    I liked all of primary school. Can't remember ever loving it, but I certainly didn't dread school every morning.

    I remember I used to hate school in Year 10 so much though, because I had no friends pretty much that whole entire year, and that sucked. I wasn't even going to go back for Year 11, that's how much I despised being there. But then I'm glad I did because I made a few friends after that and now that I'm in Year 12 I don't wanna leave.

    I can't stand most of the people at school though; they are just plain cruel to me. But I'm so lazy and school is so easy, it's kind of like "well why would I ever want to leave".

    You get good holidays, the opportunity to see your friends every day blah blah blahh I would go on more but I think I've already crapped on enough with this answer.

  • I enjoyed high school for the most part. I hated my college experience because I chose to attend a service academy. It was way too strict. In the end I was happy I went because now I can handle stress a lot better than most people, but I have a lot of unhappy memories of that place. I think people who say they would rather be in school than working must really not be fullfilled with their jobs and I feel sorry for them. However, I do see how people will always fill the need to learn more.

  • No I didn't enjoy school. I was picked on and bullied because I was the ugly duckling. I lacked confidence and because of this I didn't study as didn't believe I was intelligent enough...I thought University was somewhere that only brainy people went.

    Now I'm alot older...the ugly duckling grew into a swan and gained confidence and I'm back at college doing exams I should have had the confidence to sit when I was younger and hopefully will be going to University next year to start an honours degree.

  • High School- No, I didn't enjoy it... It kind of sucked, and I was board a lot of the time. I was usually grounded, and felt restricted.

    College- YES! I love it! It's an investment in my future, I'm challenged finally, I'm free from my parents, and I get to go to classes that I'm actually interested in (Degree specific courses). College is harder, but worth it in the long run.

  • I enjoyed high school the most.To me it was the most memorable time of my school years.I think that your more mature then and I also had my first part time job then and got a taste of the working world.It was also the first time I had a boy friend.Once you graduate and get older you will find that you really yearn to go back to those years.Just my thoughts.

  • I enjoy school. I just finished my undergrad and cannot wait to start my graduate degree. I get bored easy and love learning new things.

  • Yeah I enjoy it ok. Some parts are borin and a grind tho.

  • yes

    cuz it was fun

    even though there may had been bad times

    majority of the time school was fun

  • it was 50/50.

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