Going Bowling Poll: Do you feel a college team only winning 6 games deserves a bowl game?

Or is this rewarding mediocrity, sending teams to games such as the GoDaddy Bowl?

Thanks for your thoughts.


My thanks only go to those actually sharing a thought...


  • not really - but it seems that so many teams get bowl games these days the regular season is almost pointless now days

  • Are you seriously kidding me???!!!! Peyton won that Super Bowl with the LOWEST RANKED DEFENSE to EVER win a Super Bowl (32nd). Not to mention he beat Brady and the Patriots on the way to the Super Bowl. As far as the interceptions, the reason for that is because Peyton's defense was so bad that he had to make a drive for a score nearly every time he was on offense. If he didn't, they'd likely lose because the defense couldn't hold. The defense almost always allowed at least a field goal. So Peyton nearly every drive had to go for a TD or at minimum a field goal. And many times those interceptions come because so much is on the shoulders of that quarterback that he has to nearly single-handedly lead the team back like Brady was trying to against the Ravens. So they have to hurry up the offense. Pass faster than they should. Then that results in making a mistake and an interception around the end of the half or end of the game. And that's exactly when Peyton's and Brady's interceptions happened against them. And the Colts running game was pathetic. Addai always tended to run right into a defensive pile and couldn't figure out to go around or find the hole in the pile. Rhodes was a descent backup, but no great running back. The reason why the Colts had to run the ball was because teams were playing their defenses pretty much to solely defend the pass. When they do that, you have to take what they give you. So the Colts had to run it. It wasnt' that Addai or Rhodes were great. Peyton is far from a system quarterback, if anything he creates the system not the system creating him. The new Colts team is completely different than what Peyton had. They are focusing a lot more on defense and special teams than they ever did during Peyton's tenure. Nearly all of their free agents picked up this year were defensive players. And Ballard although just a 5th round pick is nearly better than any of the running backs that Polian ever picked up. And last year the Colts finally focused on their secondary, something Polian NEVER did. And don't forget that Luck was also considered the best quarterback to hit the draft in possibly 25 years or at least since Peyton. Peyton basically at the top of the NFL in stats last year even with his injury hampering him. Tebow had the worst completion rate in the entire NFL, even worse than Curtis Painter. Not to mention he could barely win against the worst teams in the NFL. And it wasn't like the Steelers were very good at all last year. Tebow lost by the worst margin in a playoff game ever to the Patriots. That shows you how much he sucked. What about Brady? He has a far worse record. It's been a few years longer for him than for Peyton at winning a Super Bowl. Not to mention he lost to Peyton and to Eli twice in the playoffs. Seems like he has trouble beating any Manning in the playoffs. In fact, I don't think he has beaten a Manning in the playoffs in at least about a decade. Brady is off and on in his consistency. Peyton is a better quarterback than Brady. There's no way Brady could have accomplished what Peyton did in 2009. Lost his head coach and offensive coordinator and offensive line coach. There went the system. He lost both his #1 and #2 receivers. So the wide receivers he was left with were Reggie, a 6th round draft pick from the year before with 3 catches that dropped almost everything, and a 4th round rookie. The rest were receivers that hadn't even been drafted. And don't forget that the Saints which the Colts lost to in the Super Bowl that year royally whipped the Patriots in Foxboro that year. Also don't forget, that basically EVERY one of Peyton's receivers were drafted AFTER Brady's receivers because the Patriots always had a higher draft spot, even after they lost the first time in the Super Bowl to Eli. Even Brady's running back was picked higher than Peyton's. When the Colts got Addai that year, the Patriots tried to steal the RB Polian had hinted he was interested in after letting Edgerrin James go. Seems like Patriots fans will say anything to cling to the hope that Brady is better, especially when ESPN recently picked Peyton as one of the 2 best quarterbacks of all time, going against Montana and having beaten out Brady. And now since Peyton has Welker, I'm sure they've got to be a little scared that one of their best all-time weapons is gone and Peyton has him.

  • It is totally rewarding mediocrity. It's like "no child left behind" but for adults. They should only be rewarded for excellence!!! That's like...giving a college degree to a simpleton who has only had one cognitive thought his whole life.

    We all know how that turned out.

  • hell no, Wisconsin should not be in any bowl let alone the freaking rose bowl, what a sham

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