how do i keep a crawfish as a pet in a fish tank?

how to keep as pet in fish tank


  • I have a crawdad right now in my 10-gallon fish tank. What you need to make sure is that the COLD water is flowing. Crawdads live in flowing rivers and streams so it's important the your water is pretty cold, fresh, and flowing!

    Second, crawdads eat small pieces of lettuce, chicken, or salmon eggs (the ones you use for fishing bait).

    Make sure there's also some short plants or a rock so that they can climb up a little or hide whenever they want to!

  • Buy a PVC plastic "elbow pipe joint" at a hardware store. Choose one with a large diameter- like 2". Use silicone adhesive like "GOOP" or aquarium sealant and glue pieces of aquarium gravel to the outside of the pipe. The gravel serves 3 purposes- it makes the pipe look like a piece of aquarium decor, and it provides crevices that the crayfish can use to look for food, and to climb on top of the tube. Yes, they enjoy climbing on the pipe and perching on it. Then, you can drill a hole in the top of the pipe and put a plastic plant in the hole. The plant provides the crayfish with additional amusement. The crayfish can climb the plant, or they can chew on the plant when they're bored.

    The main purpose of the tube is to provide them a place to sleep. The crayfish might be "spooked" by the tubes at first, but after a day, they will figure out exactly what the tubes are for, and they will happily use them. The crayfish will crawl inside the tubes and curl up and sleep for hours in them. If you are cleaning the tank, the crayfish will scurry into the tubes for protection. The hard part is getting them OUT of the tubes when you want to scrub them

  • RE: What to feed my puppy crawfish? I particularly have 2 crawfishes. somebody caught them and randomly desperate to easily provide them to me... so I particularly have them in slightly tank and that i been attempting to feed them goldfish flakes (considering the fact this is all I particularly have) and then i desperate to objective and feed them crackers. They aren't eatingg something. i replaced into thinking if...

  • With lots of cover for them to hide in. and don't keep with smaller fish they get really aggressive.

  • try this may help

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