
  • The (can't believe I'm sayin this...) Redhead. She looks like this girl I go to school with, she's pretty.

    The brunette's head is shaped weird, but she's pretty.

  • The redhead, cause she shes more naturally pretty, the brunette looks like she wears a ton of makeup!! But there both pretty:)

  • The redhead by far.. There's no reason why it's just who I'm attracted to plus I like redheads. The redhead is hot.

  • Well In the first pick the girl is beautiful and in the last pick the red head is beautiful too so i am tied.

  • I'd say the redhead is (: She looks more naturally pretty &' has pretty features . The brunette is also pretty though .

  • They are both very pretty girls! They each have their own unique look. I've always been fascinated by the red hair, freckled green eyed look. But they're both beautiful!!

  • The dog.

    lol, kidding. But I'd say the redhead.

  • redhead because the brunette has a long neck and big eyes...scary

  • there both really pretty

    but i personally think the red head is prettier

  • redhead

    the other girl has a weird shaped face and huge mouth

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