Does Peeta REALLY love Katniss?

I mean like ACTUALLY loves her, like just not some act they put on in the beggining. Because as i was almost finishing the book, i started to realize that his "acts" were getting pretty convincing. And wat was up at the end? When he becomes upset that katniss was only "acting" her love for him, wasn't THAT wat they planned? Did he just REALLY fall for her throughout the game, that he was upset that katniss didn't like him back?

EDIT: i think katniss likes peeta but she's just confused about her feelings because of gale.


  • Everything that Peeta said was true, but Katniss thought it was all just an act. This made Peeta angry, because he felt that everything that happened in the arena during the first book was just fake, that Katniss really loved Gale. However, Katniss was only trying to protect herself so that she wouldn't fall for him, although she already had. She was just kidding herself.

    I really don't agree with Gale/Katniss coupling, because Gale became very sadistic in the third book. Also, Katniss never loved Gale as a boyfriend, but only as a very good friend.

  • Does Peeta Love Katniss

  • Peeta really does love Katniss. Katniss thinks it's an act until the end when Haymitch says "Keep up the good work." Peeta actually thought Katniss was in love with him. That's why he was mad

  • I think she truly loves him. Although I read Hunger Games. I have not pick up Catching Fire and Mockingjay yet but I think she truly loves him. For what I read off Hunger Games wiki Peeta asks Katniss on whether her love for him is real or not real she said real. Yeah I think she loves him

  • *spoiler alert*

    Yes Peeta loved Katniss since he gave her the burnt bread. When Haymitch said Peeta had a secret weapon in the beginning he kinda actually did. He has loved her for real the whole time.

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    Does Peeta REALLY love Katniss?

    I mean like ACTUALLY loves her, like just not some act they put on in the beggining. Because as i was almost finishing the book, i started to realize that his "acts" were getting pretty convincing. And wat was up at the end? When he becomes upset that katniss was only "acting"...

  • Yes! He is really in love with her.

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