Gamestop/EB games trade-in

First of all, i know they rip you off but i dont have a credit card so i cant sell online.

How much would i get if i sell the original psp, scarface:the world is yours(ps2), family guy game(ps2), God of War 2(ps2),and MVP NCAA Baseball 06(ps2)


  • ok. it depends on how new the games r, and if u bought them new and used. U would get about half the price for the psp then what u bought it for. The rest u would get under 12 dollars for the rest of the games. An educated guess. Hope this helped!

  • maybe $3-5 for the ps2 games, the psp you maybe able to get $25-40, but don't hold your breath. i traded 6 ps2 games 1 xbox 360 game and a movie and got 21$

  • They are a rip off. If I were you, I would try to find a friend to sell it too, or look at least, because if you sell them and a friend buys them then you just added in a middle man. (Middle men are useful for some things, but not this.)

  • Somewhere about $100 n sumthin

  • sell it all play-in-trade a store like eb games but you get more for your money

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