St. Patrick day makes no sense?

Its suppose to be a Christian holiday why are people drinking till they puke?!?


  • Popular culture is very uncomfortable with anything religious and endeavors to take all religion out of religious holy days and make them into cultural holidays. Look at what they have done to Halloween (All Hallow's Eve or the Eve of All Saints Day), Mardi Gras (the day before Ash Wednesday, Saint Valentine's Day, and now Saint Patrick's Day. They even try to take both Christ and the Mass out of Christmas.

    All Christians can celebrate the life of this wonderful saint who said "Yes!" to God.

    Saint Patrick was born about 385 in Scotland. His parents, Calpurnius and Conchessa, were Catholic Romans living in Britain in charge of the colonies. This might even make Saint Patrick an Italian.

    At the age of fourteen, raiders captured Patrick and took him as a slave to Ireland, a land of Druids and pagans. Patrick learned the Irish language and customs.

    While a slave, Patrick's faith in God grew and he wrote

    "The love of God and his fear grew in me more and more, as did the faith, and my soul was raised, so that, in a single day, I have said as many as a hundred prayers and in the night, nearly the same." "I prayed in the woods and on the mountain, even before dawn. I felt no hurt from the snow or ice or rain."

    When Patrick was twenty, he had a dream in which God told him to leave Ireland by going to the coast. He escaped and found a boat that took him back to Britain and his family.

    Later Patrick dreamed that Irish were calling, "We beg you, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more."

    Patrick studied, became a priest, and, later, a bishop. In 433, he went to take the Gospel to Ireland.

    Patrick preached the Gospel throughout Ireland, converted thousands, and began building churches.

    Patrick is famous for using the shamrock (a three-leaf clover) to explain the Trinity.

    Patrick preached for 40 years and died on March 17, 461 at Saul, where he had built the first church.

    Patrick's feast day is March 17 and he is the patron saint of Ireland.

    For more information, see:

    With love in Christ.

  • It's supposed to be a feast day to honor St Patrick bringing Christianity to Ireland. That's where the clover comes into play because he used the three leaf clover tho represent the holy trinity. The drinking and partying is something that came with recent years. Even in Ireland the pub crawling didn't even get welcomed until the 90s. But whatever someone decides is the way for them to celebrate is on them.

  • Saint Patricks Day celebrates when the Saint, Patrick, drove all the snakes from Ireland into the sea, allowing the Irish to live. All the drinking? Well... We're Irish! So grab a cup and bottoms up!

  • somewhat, having an Irish ancestor does make you Irish, a minimum of to three quantity. that is like asserting merely simply by fact your mothers and fathers have been black, does no longer mean you're. yet, to respond to your question approximately why we are massive on St. Patrick's day interior the U.S. you are able to desire to comprehend 2 issues approximately united statesa.. first of all, we are between the few international places interior the international the place faith, nationality, subculture, or race (and specific, the Irish have been a distinctive subrace, the Gaels) don't rely. lots of Irish got here here between the 1840s and Nineteen Nineteen Twenties. subsequently, there are assorted Irish human beings in united statesa.. Secondly, human beings love events, and that they love eating. Why do you think of Cinco de Mayo is gaining acceptance? ok, in keeping with possibility it has a splash to do with each and all of the unlawful immigrants in the time of this u . s ., yet 0.5-fee margharitas do no longer harm.

  • Originally the Holiday is a religious one for it's about St. Patrick converting pagan Ireland to Christianity....then it became a matter of Irish pride....(check out the history of the St. Paddy's Day parade in NYC, USA)...

    ...however, leave it to us Irish Americans to make it all about drinking....which to me makes no sense! Make/have a toast...but don't use it as an excuse to get schnockered!

    BTW, there never were snakes in Ireland....the 'snakes' or serpents St Paddy drove out of Ireland refers to pagan religions being driving out of Ireland...

    * and exactly what did St. Paddy say to the snakes to drive them out of Ireland? "Mmmm-tastes like chicken".....

  • St. Patrick's Day was originally a catholic holiday and drinking is acceptable in the catholic religion.

  • Because every holiday today is about sex or getting drunk.

    New Year's Day (originally to celebrate the Roman god Janus opening the door to the new year) - to get drunk.

    Valentine's Day (originally to honor Saint Valentine) - to have sex.

    St. Patrick's Day (originally to honor Saint Patrick) - to get drunk and (vaguely) celebrate Irish culture.

    Halloween (originally a Celtic pagan holiday) - to get dressed up in sexy clothes, go to parties, get drunk and probably have sex.

    Thanksgiving - ..... okay so this one's not totally screwed up yet.

    Christmas (originally for pagans to celebrate during the dark of winter & later for birth of Jesus) - get drunk, party, eat a lot, have sex.

  • yes it is.

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