do u know??????????(probably not)?

give 3 differnt food from different cultures and explain the use of acids in the foods and how it affects the taste(try to include what region the food is found in


  • No matter what food the acids are found in it will give the food a sour taste...

    Sauerkraut comes from Germany (actually first came from China).. sauerkraut means "sour cabbage" ...they allow the cabbage to ferment in a salty solution producing it's acidic flavour.

    Yogurt is the Fermentation of the milk producing the acidic taste it likely came nomadic people who began migrating into Europe.. now it world wide

    Kimchi is the most common Korean fermented dish (therefore acidic because of CO2 production as a byproduct) eaten with rice..

    ALL of our pops are acidic... COKE, PEPSI etc.... but I wouldn't call them food ;-)

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