Need SERIOUS advise ASAP?

My cousins husband past away, about six months ago to cancer. (24) We are all 24. My cousin and I are not as close as we used to be.. he died very suddenly. three months. its very sad. My question is: I had a dream last night about him. In my dream, I was sleeping, and he kept trying to wake me up, and he kept telling me, to tell (my cousin, his wife) that he is ok. And to be careful. He kept trying multiple times to wake me up shaking me telling me this. (IN MY DREAM) In my dream, when I finally awoke she got hurt. and he was saying why didnt u tell her. My question is, Ummm should I tell her that?? Thats a huge deal, and if my husband was past and she told me that Idk how i'd react. But also, before he past we were not that close. Some people believe thats how they communicate so my question is, Should I, or should I not tell her?


  • YES! Tell her!! I believe he was communicating with you in your dreams. Spirits tend to do that because it's easier to get our attention when we're asleep. Give her the message that he is ok. She may really need to know this. Also, tell her that he said to be careful. Don't try to explain it, justify it or otherwise defend it. Just say you had a dream about him and believed that he was trying to send her a message and that you're not sure why he chose you but you feel compelled to tell her. THAT'S IT! Your job is done after that.

  • Yes, I'd want to know if anyone had a dream about my son who passed away almost 8 years ago now. It's how our loved ones communicate with us and they do it especially while we sleep. So yes, tell her. BTW my son was 26. So sorry for your loss.

  • I honestly don't believe in dreams as meaning anything but something that happened over the day, on TV or something we heard made a dream a "reality". I know myself, I wouldn't say a word about if, but only due to my beliefs in dreams. My adult Daughter dreams a LOT, remembers then, but she's been a physc RN for yrs. & I KNOW her mind is on constant "over load" from her position. Just let it go, honey, I truly don't feel it was of importance, or she would have had he dream not to you...:)

  • u might tell her, but u know that he was NOT trying to contact u - he is dead. when u see deceased persons in your dream it usually means pressure is lowering and the next day u will have rainy weather. this is as simple as that. why did u see him particularly? well, maybe something triggered that thought about him on subconcious level - maybe u read about cancer, maybe u saw some movie about cousin or whatever. anywho - do what u want. but saying that this is how a dead person is trying to communicate with u? dear, are u 12 or something?

  • yes tell her that you had a dream about her husband what could it hurt? It might help

  • To be totally honest, it sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo. You should ignore it. Dreams aren't real.

  • i would put a condome on at night time and see if it can figer out what too do

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