How to Quickly, Easily peel Garlic cloves?

I need a better way to peel the skin off of garlic cloves.

Can you recommend any quick, easy ways to do that?

I love to cook with fresh garlic, but it takes forever peeling them by hand. And eventually the juice starts burning my skin. I'm hoping to learn a new, better way to peel the garlic.


  • Put a broad knife blade sideways on the clove, and hit the flat of the blade hard with your hand... the paper will slide right off!

  • If you aren't cooking the garlic- making something like pesto or crushing for garlic butter, then using a rubber garlic peeling tube is great (available all home stores). You can even use one of the rubber circles that are intended to help you get a grip on a jar lid for easy opening. Just roll into a tube shape, pop you garlic in and roll of the counter. The rubber helps strip away the peel.

    BUT! If you are actually using your garlic in a hot dish- like in a stew, sauce or roast dish- then this is THE EASIEST way to peel mass quantities in very little time. Place the separated cloves in the microwave on a paper plate and nuke for 50 seconds to a minute. Allow to cool for a minute or two. Slice off the end where the clove attached to the root and peel off the paper. It is a breeze! No thin transparent pieces remain and your clove is ready to go!

  • The rubber mats are good, but I still think the easiest way is to lay the clove down on the counter with the broad side of my knife lying on top of it. I hit the knife and then the skin just peels right off. Bonus: This way is free!

  • I refrigerate the garlic---atleast long enough to get it good and cold...the skins come off easier and the juice wont run....then pop it with the flat of a blade, roll across the cutting board and the skin rolls off.

  • Take the widest knife you have and turn it sideways and crush the clove with it. The peel will come right off.

  • You can press down on them a little, like smash them slightly with the flat part of your knife, it splits the skin and you can get it off a little easier. Other than this, I haven't found a better way :)

  • I roll them under a paper towel to break up the skin. It comes off easier.

  • crushing garlic makes it harder to cut.

    cut the top of the garlic off and put it between two bowls and shake, skin comes right off

  • You can peel garlic easily by microwaving them for a few seconds. Peeled garlic can be brushed with a little oil and stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

  • There are rubber mats you can roll them in to remove skins.

    Try your local cooking supply store.

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