How do you create a spell yourself?

I've been told the most reliable ones that work are the one's you create yourself. How do you make one?


  • You should not be messing with spells. It is dangerous stuff.

  • you have gotten a good number of sturdy solutions on your query, yet listed here are my 2 cents . . . particular, i've got faith that as quickly as you're making a spell your self this is greater effectual. The greater time, attempt and concept you place into it, the greater effectual the point and the greater potential you harness. this is as a results of the fact to create an extremely sturdy spell it takes time and attempt and concept. you place greater of your self into it and perpetually you spend on the pre-artwork you're concentrating and imbuing your ecosystem and the climate of the spell alongside with your purpose. That gets us into the 2nd query. becoming spells takes time, potential, creativity, analyze (in case you have not have been given each correspondence memorized --I particular as heck do not), and faith in your self and the technique. Now, if somebody else has carried out the pre-artwork for you that particular saves a good number of time in our busy international. and you particularly, truthfully need it to artwork. So if somebody else has a recipe this is labored for them . . . I glom onto a competent difficulty, too. yet I customize each spell because of the fact i seem at spells i'm getting from different factors as conventional. so a techniques as what a spell includes, that relies upon on the spell. some are fairly undemanding (like a prayer or a chant) and others are very complicated and can contain all the flaws you point out and greater. undergo in thoughts, spells are approximately harnessing potential and bending it to do your will. The candles; the herbs; the insence; the words; the song; the strikes; the colours around you; the time of day; the element of the moon; what you're wearing; the techniques you utilize; the purification you do earlier the spell; the persons (if any) you do the spell with; etc. -- all this is only to sharpen your concentration, make sparkling your purpose and elevate/harness the mandatory potential. dazzling advantages

  • It really depends entirely on you. but if i were you i would research on wicca first before i do anything else.

    first of all a spell is like a prayer, except wiccans/witches like to get more involved with it so they spice it up a bit, using herbs crystals and even rhyming. although a spell can be just words, its not likely that that's going to work. You have to put more effort in the spell for it to be more effective. the basic components of a spell have to include a deity or a force which you ask your prayer from : which could be a god( any god created in time jesus , zeus, allah etc. etc.) or even nature, the plants, trees, the sea etc., of course the god or force you ask from has to be somewhat related to your spells intention. second spells need of course an intention, the intention can be backed up and be made more powerful by specific herbs and crystals, some herbs are for healing some stones are for power etc. just make sure you know what they're for before you use them ( research on wicca ). then the spell has to carried out in a proper ritual, you don't want to disgrace the force your dealing with if you just stand and recite or simply sit and chant, you have to get involved with it. a very important factor in spells is the skill of visualization, this is used in every spell and cannot be left out. visualization can be sued in visualizing the desired effect of the spell, visualizing the god your speaking with, visualizing energy, etc. etc. train yourself by seeing what you want with your minds eye. all these components are basics and will complete a good spell. other factors are optional but still very very useful in making the spell more effective, like incense or having more than one person cast the spell, or doing the spell near a beach, it really depends on the kind of spell you want to make. and spells don't have to rhyme, but it really works better if you do, you see, the rhyming pleases the gods or forces your dealing with and will be happy to grant you what you want. record your spells in a notebook, wiccans call it a book of shadows, its used so that the spell can be repeated for future use or be improved. lastly mail me if you want an example.

    hope i helped

    EDIT: this is just if your talking about a wiccan spell because there are so many types of magic, and personally i don't think your the kind of person who understands it much, research and learn first. magic isn't fireballs and water bending ~_~

  • OK pay attention. If you do not know these things, it is because you have not done your homework. If the lessons are too much for you to handle, then I assume that you are looking for an easy way or are a troll. If you are not a troll then think of what you are doing in this manner. A guy wants to be a doctor so bad, he fakes a certificate from medical school then gets on line to ask how to do a breast augmentation surgery and you are his patient. The point of the story is that you cannot have the skill until you gain the knowledge for yourself.

    Any of Silver's books are great, but I would start with Solitary Witch. OK? OK!

    My example was a tad offensive, for that I apologize, the point of the example was that the questioner was asking repeatedly for spell work and several answerers including myself, on more than one occassion, indicated that she or he must first learn prior to attempting such a thing that required skill. As to the hate-on for Silver, OK, to each his or her own. Who else cherry picks passages from books to demean the author or others who think in similar fashion, right, I remember. Nice. Aside from her personal opinions, which I don't agree with a lot, her writings do offer basics for beginners. I would think that for each of us the start is just a start and we each can then progress. But again, just an opinion. I find it difficult to buy into a site who chooses one quote to criticize yet, leaves out the part that her opinion is that the deities are not interested in humanity losing its dignity to beg their assistance. But cool, be well.

  • You start by studying, obviously.

    Try getting Real Magic by Issac Bonewits, it's still considered a classic text.

    Once you understand the basics, it's not hard to improvise your own to suit your needs. Making them work, however, takes willpower, focus, determination and plenty of effort, so don't think this is some "easy way out" where you won't have to confront your problems.

    Edit: Do NOT read Silver Ravenwolf books for information. Reasons listed here:

  • The most simplest form of a spell is...prayer. Yep, it's that easy. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent example. Just change the words (Our Father to O, Goddess, etc), but keep the format the same, substituting what you want!

  • You study.

    Basically, spells you make yourself are more meaningful to you, and you are able to put more energy into something meaningful to you than into something meaningless. You would have to study magic and gain an understanding of how it works in order to create your own spells.

  • There are so many books out there to help you. I just went to Barns & Noble one day & just started reading one after the other & now I have a very nice library! I think if you go, the book will find you. You have to believe!

  • you just did think about what it was and how was it achieved go for a wander thru a few second hand book shops and see what jumps out at you and as deb has said do a lot of reading its a personal thing but do think about what you wish to gain from learning and be a bit observet of things going on randomly about you will be surprised

  • Look at the lives of these famous occultists, and then decide if it "works":

    Henry Cornielius Agrippa von Nettesheim: One of the most famous occultists of the middle ages. His work has gone on to inspire hundreds of "magical" books and writings. Despite all his occult knowledge, he died in poverty at age 41 in 1532.

    Cagliostro, a famous French-Egyptian "magician", did the most embarrassing things, like putting a teacup on his erect penis and telling women "This is the only Bishop you will bow to!" He died in the Bastille in 1795.

    John Dee discovered Enochian Magick and tried unsuccessfully to get the spirits to bring him money. He spent the final years of his life stripped of his honors and income and was forced to live incommunicado. He died in extreme poverty at 81.

    Paracelsus: Thought himself a great physician, but he was really just an alchemist who had bizarre theories about human anatomy and prescribed dangerous remedies for his patients. This man was said to be arrogant and conceited, and was shunned by the other medical experts of his day. He died broke at the age of 48.

    Edward Kelly: An assistant of Dee, after failing to strike it rich with Enochian Magick, he was killed trying to escape prison. He had been imprisoned for his old hobby, counterfeiting.

    Aleister Crowley had a nervous breakdown and spent 4 months in an insane asylum after trying to conjure a demon in a Paris hotel. In 1947 he died impoverished in a flophouse, forgotten by his family, a drug addict and alcoholic, despite starting out in life as a rich heir to Crowley Ale. He squandered it all on drugs and whores.

    "Success is your proof!" - -Liber Al Vel Legis 3:46, Aleister Crowley

    Gurdijef was a Russian con man who got involved in many money making scams. Once he dyed sparrows in peroxide and sold them as canaries! Even his biographers admit he had a "streak of charaltainism" about him. He created a system of bunk psychotherapy which is convoluted and even people who practice it can't clearly explain what is. In other words, it was the forerunner of Scientology.

    Christian Rosenkrutz never actually existed. The whole Rosicrucian thing was started as a joke to make fun of occultists by a Lutheran minister named Valentin Andrea.

    The Fox Sisters started the whole spiritist/seance’ movement in 1840. Years later they confessed the whole thing had been a hoax, but no one wanted to listen.

    Samuel "Macgregor" Mathers: Eventually all the members of the Golden Dawn figured out Mathers lied about the secret chiefs, which led to him being kicked out, & the Golden Dawn being disbanded. He died in poverty from pneumonia in 1918.

    Jack Parsons blew himself up in his basement, making nitroglycerin, which he sold on the black market to supplement his income (apparently his money spells didn't work, either.)

    Pamela Coleman Smith painted the illustrations for Arthur Edward Waite's tarot deck, one of the most popular decks being used today. She died penniless and alone in a London flat.

    Paschal Beverly Randolph inspired people like Aleister Crowley, the members of the O.:T.:O.:., and Henri Gamache. His books are still in print. He committed suicide at age 44, leaving his wife and son to live in poverty.

    They couldn't make the occult work, neither can anyone else.

    Here's a quote from Wiccan Tradition Head Silver Ravenwolf:

    "For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at styling my own hair from looking at magazine pictures."

    [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]

    She also wrote a book about Prosperity spells. Does she sound like she can make it work? She can't even afford a hairdresser! My wife just spent $100 at the beauty parlor and we're far from rich.

    Here's another quote from that same book:

    "A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell."

    If you want to really have a good life, ditch the occult.

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