does tobacco contain nicotine?

I have tried American Spirit (100% tobacco, no addatives) and I wanted to know if straight tobacco contains nicotine.


  • LOL...I used to smoke AS' the skeem of things...they are probably the best out the because they have no additives...but they absolutely have is a natrually occuring chemical. They are just as addictive and hard to quit...(I quit about 1.5 yrs ago...) The main difference between them and regular brands is that they don't add a bunch of OTHER chemicals, to play with the nicotine amounts...of course AS is now owned by big tobbacco anyway so who knows if it still is "just" tobbacco.

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    does tobacco contain nicotine?

    I have tried American Spirit (100% tobacco, no addatives) and I wanted to know if straight tobacco contains nicotine.

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    Yes, nicotine is a natural drug found in tobacco, it's all the pollutants the manufactures put in that make the cigarette so harsh, so vile. You don't know what they put in that tobacco that you bought. Just because you roll your own, doesn't mean those harsh chemicals are not in there. I used to smoke and I hate it now. EDIT: we are all basically giving the same answer, except for one, so who's saying we are wrong? Thumbs down happy person I guess. I stand by my answer. YES, nicotine in tabacco.

  • Yes it does.

    Tobacco is the only organic source of nicotine, which is its addicting agent. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains some 4,000 different gases and particles, including "tar," a conglomeration of many chemicals, which is especially harmful to the lungs. Among the harmful gases in tobacco smoke are nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. More than 40 carcinogens—chemicals capable of causing cancer— have been identified in tobacco smoke, and one of these, benzo(a)pyrene, is being studied as a possible direct link to cancer.

  • All tobacco contains nicotine my dear. Thats what gets you hooked.

  • Yes it does, it is a naturally occurring substance in tobacco.

  • 100% yes

  • YES that`s the thing

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