how do you de-activate old guns?

and whats to stop people re-activating them?


  • they used to do this for dewats (deactivated war trophies) they used to deactivate war guns and let soldiers bring them home as war trophies-they would remove internals and put concrete in the barrels,or weld up the inside of the barrels and weld barrels to reciever

    to answer the second part,it wasnt hard to reactivate them,folks would knock out concrete,or cut off and replace welded barrel with new barrel,after doin this and adding a parts kit you owned a full auto fully functioning machine gun

    after the atf seen this goin on these dewats became illegal unless registered with a tax stamp payment-if it was not registered before december 1968 its as illegal as have a kilo of cocaine in your house-alot of folks still have these and dont know theyre illegal,they just think they are non firing and legal,they been handed down from ww1 and ww2 relatives,

    they even used to sell them mail order out of magazines and hardware stores

  • Unless you have some kind of vendetta against the gun and just want to go to great lengths to ensure it'll never fire again no matter how much money, time, and love you're willing to deal out, then I see no reason to cut the receiver, gum up the action, or weld the barrel closed.

    It is much easier, as well as cost and time effective, to simply remove the firing pin. A gun is actually quite simple in it's mechanism - once the round is chambered you pull the trigger which makes a tiny pin spring out and strike the primer on the round. This creates a spark inside the shell which ignites the explosive gunpowder and the bullet fires.

    Firing pins are usually not interchangeable between guns - you need the right firing pin per model. However, there are some exceptions - my Marlin .22's firing pin will fit a few other Marlins of other calibers, but won't fit a Remington 12ga. In other words - you need the right firing pin to even get the gun to work. Further, you need to disassemble the gun to remove the firing pin. Even more, most people don't check to see if a gun has a firing pin present or not. If you're just concerned about a thief sneaking in and grabbing your gun and using it against you - he probably won't even check to make sure it's got a firing pin. Further, you'd notice him taking it apart and installing a new firing pin, given that he has the correct pin on him.

    In short - just remove the firing pin and toss it. If you later want to reactivate the gun, just go to a gunsmith and ask for a new pin.


  • Remove the barreled action from the stock. Drill a hole into the bottom of the chamber and weld up the inside of the chamber. Cut bottom of the front receiver ring lengthwise with a grinder. Weld the bolt to the inside of the action. Re-assemble the rifle.

    Once this is done it would cost-prohibitive to re-activate. The gun would need a new barrel, the action would need to be welded, re-machined and re heat-treated.

  • If you want to make them a non-gun according to the BATFE, you have to make 3 torch cuts at least 1/4" wide across the receiver. You could weld the bolt into the barrel if you don't want it to shoot any more. If you don't want someone to be able to shoot it when they pick it up, you can remove the bolt or just the firing pin, or put a trigger lock on it. You can also disable new firearms.

  • Generally remove and hide, store or destroy the part or parts that make the gun go bang.

    As to whats to stop people from reactivating them...that is the rub.

    Do the deactivation to the degree you desire. And this can be reversible or permanent.

  • To temporary disable it, most guns you can just take out the firing pin.

    To semi-permanently disable, weld a rod into the barrel. But, the barrel can be changed out.

    To permanently disable, cut the receiver with a torch.

  • Usually it involves welding the bolt shut and filling the barrel with molten lead.

    Nothing. If a person wants to and will put in the effort they can get them working again. Unless something vital was cut.

  • to permanently deactivate a firearm, they usually weld a plug into the action/barrel or drill holes through the action into the chamber, they also remove the firing pins, thus making it unable to safely fire.

  • weld or silver/hard solder in a rod of steel in the barrel. and weld in the firing pin.

  • If you mean make them so they won't fire then remove the firing pin. That is the most effective way.And it is reversible if need be.

    If you mean so it is permanently rendered useless then bend the barrel.

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