Is teenage pregnancy a serious problem?

I have a paper that needs to be finished ASAP and i need some opinions on this subject.


  • Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem, but the rate of teenage pregnancy has actually gone down in the past five or ten years.

    I think that teaching kids about birth control and healthy relationships is the best answer. Sex isn't something that you can just sweep under the rug and pretend that it doesn't exist. They will think about it even if you don't talk to them about it. If parents and other adults don't talk to teens about sex they'll know nothing.

    MTV wants to show how horrible teen pregnancy is, and they have a site called itsyoursexlife, but they don't advertise it as much as they should.

  • Yes and no. Is it become to a point where it's an epidemic? I don't think so, I'd still say a small percentage of girls become pregnant in their teenage years, what IS becoming an epidemic is featuring these girls on TV shows basically glamourizing having a child while you, yourself are still a child.

    Many teenagers make great mothers, no matter what age they are. The problem is, we as a society look down on them. Most people see a young girl pushing a baby carriage, and the first thing they think is negative. I think more needs to be done to EDUCATE teenage girls on how scary and hard being a parent can be and the importance of birth control. One 3 hour class on birth control in 5th grade isn't enough anymore. Girls need to experience children first hand to understand how exhausting (both physically and mentally) being a parent can truly be. At the same time, teenage boys should also be taught the ins and outs of parenthood because let's face it, it takes two to make a baby!

    The other problem we have as a society is helping these young parents finish their education, get decent paying jobs and make a life for themselves while raising a child. I know in the area where I live, there is one highschool that offers childcare on-site and every single teenage mother from this area is bused to that facility. That's fine, but what happens when these girls get their high school diplomas? They are forced into the world, with no one helping them along the way and no chance to get a post-secondary education. You can't get approved for Student Loans and you end up in a minimum wage job, with no chance for more education until the child is grown and in-school. It's an awful mess once these teenage parents are out of highschool and something needs to be done about it. Daycare costs are astronomical and I would bet $1000 that the reason a lot of these girls don't carry on with a post-secondary education is because they can't afford to go to school themselves and pay for daycare. This is why publically funded daycare would be beneficial for everyone.

    I was 24 when I had my first and am now 28 and expecting my second and can tell you, I was not prepared at that age (when I had a home, an education and a job) for what my life would be like with a child, I can't imagine going through it at 16.

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    * Some 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all U.S. births are to teenage women. * Babies born to young teen mothers have a higher risk of serious health problems. * Physical and mental birth defects affect many babies born to very young women. The high rate of teenagers having babies is a national health and social problem that demands attention Health Risks to the Baby * Immature organ systems (brain, lungs, heart). * Difficulty controlling body temperature and blood sugar levels. * Mental retardation. * A risk of dying in early infancy that is much higher than among normal weight babies (5 1/2 pounds or more). Health Risks to the mother * The death rate from pregnancy complications is much higher among girls who give birth under age 15 than among older mothers. * The teenage mother is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature or prolonged labor. * During the first three months of pregnancy; seven out of ten pregnant teenagers do not see a doctor or go to a clinic. * Poor eating habits, smoking, alcohol and drugs increase the risk of having a baby with health problems.

  • It sure is a serious problem. You can read more here;

  • there are a lot but i wouldn't say it is a serious problem. there are risks but there are risks for adults too. teens are just experiencing things at younger ages bc of the way the world and media are.

  • I am a teenager myself and personally I think it's silly because the teenagers themselves haven't been on the Earth this long and haven't lived their lives yet. I think they should be able to take care of their own lives before taking the responsibility of another life.

    Most teenagers who have babies are dependent on their own parents for money to care for themselves and their babies which isn't fair, they should be out earning a living instead of taking money from family and getting it off the goverment.

    I could go on about this subject for a long time

  • It can be but not always. There are some teen parents that parent better than older parents & some older parents who parent worse than teenagers. There are times when teens want to be teens but some are actually great parents with stable jobs & housing.I think it depends on the situation.

  • I feel that more teenagers are becoming pregnant now

  • If you're a pregnant teenager it sure is

  • yes it is for this reason all these lil girls see it on 16 n preg n think oh its so cool n i can b on tht which they dnt realize how hard till b. they think its cool n tht their friends will think so to which actually isnt true cuz most of their friends will stop tlkin to them.

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