Breaking a renting contract?

Me and my bf got a place together but of course we signed a rental lease and i want to go back home and live b/c i dont want to be with him anymore. Can i get into trouble? Ive only been here a month. And refuse to stay with him. Is there an easy way around this?


  • If you're both on the lease then you're both liable for the costs of breaking the lease. Can you get in trouble? Well, you can't get arrested. You can end up getting sued by your landlord, boyfriend, or both. No easy way around this.

  • Look in your lease, some will allow you an out if you give 60-90 days notice, some won't.

    My natural instinct tells me your lease doesn't have an out clause. As such, you could be liable for half of the rent until the leaseholder finds a new tenant or the lease ends, which ever comes first.

    Also note that since you signed the lease you're obliged to pay half the rent spelled out in the contract, the leaser has the legal right to just sue you for all of the rent if they believe you have a higher chance of paying.

  • If you signed a lease, you're responsible for it. You can ask to be removed from the lease, which is a long shot but worth asking. If you break the lease you can be taken to court for the remainder of the year's rent. If you move out and leave your bf there and he bails on the lease you can still be held liable.

  • If you can find a suitable person to sign onto the lease to replace you, the landlord has no damages and cannot sue you for anything.

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