Do girls enjoy poems?

So I was just thinking to myself one day about my girlfriend and all the things I love about her. I ended up writing a poem about it because I was just kinda inspired. It is SUPER long and cheesy at parts. It rhymes A LOT. I just started going on and on... So now It's pretty much a long novel of the things I love about her... That rhymes. So my question is: Christmas and her birthday are coming up... Should I give her this poem as a present (I already have another present; this would be a little something extra)? Should I read it to her myself or let her read it in private (it's pretty long so I don't want to drag it on as I'm reading it to her or mess up)? Do girls actually like poems from their boyfriends?


  • Yes give it to her! Basically no matter what kind of girl she is, she will absolutely love it. From how it sounds you'll probably make her blush too. She'll love it trust me

  • Yes! Girls love that ****!

    Well some girls anyways, if my boyfriend wrote me a poem I would love it even if it was cheesy.


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