Monologue from a play for drama class?

Ok so I have to do a drama monologue from a play ONLY. I was researching and didn't find anything great. What i'm looking for is something more of a comedy, but could be dramatic too. Since im a girl i guess it should be for a female but that doesnt really matter to me. I also thought of Shakespeare, but I'm having difficulties with that, so maybe some easier one (i was trying out for catherine in THE TAMING OF THE SHREW).

It would be a really big help if anyone could help me out with this. I'm a begginer in drama so im not sure what kind of thing to start out with. So thanks a lot in advance! :)


  • did you try Lady McBeth? She has excellent monologues. they have a few excellent ones, but if you were looking for comedic, I'd recommend anything that is Puck, because he/she has excellent monologs throughout the play, "I am that merry wanderer of the night....." "If we shadows have offended..." or perhaps Peter Quince " Gentles, perchance you wonder at this show, but wonder on, till truth makes all things plain..."

    I wish you the best of luck in your audition, boone chance, break a leg.

    "when clouds are seen, wise men put on cloaks, all may be well, but if God sort it so, tis more than we deserve or I expect" - Third Citizen Richard III

    break a leg!

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    Monologue from a play for drama class?

    Ok so I have to do a drama monologue from a play ONLY. I was researching and didn't find anything great. What i'm looking for is something more of a comedy, but could be dramatic too. Since im a girl i guess it should be for a female but that doesnt really matter to me. I also thought of...

  • Check out the House Of Blue Leaves script. Bananas, who is an insane person, does a monologue in the first act that is hilarious and she does a serious monologue close to the end of the second act. If you are writing one, there are a series of other monolougues you can look at for ideas.

  • Some of the monologues on the following page look promising. I particularly liked "Operator" from "CSI: Neverland", although you might find most of them a bit too short:

    The following site has a more varied collection, with indication of the length of hte monologue:

    If you're even greater variety, try:

    Hope that helps.

  • Romeo and Juliet-

    Juliet's one that starts with- 'Tis but thy name that is thy enemy'

    It's a tragedy though.

    Maybe try looking at The importance of being earnest by oscar wilde!

    Its a great comedy

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