True or false: you think Lady Gaga is pretty?

I think there's a reason for all the masks & veils


BQ: is she prettier than Agatha?



  • I love her, but I will admit that the girl can seriously make herself look ugly. All the weird makeup and clothing can really make her look not as good.

    But I do believe she is pretty most of the time.

  • I think she is pretty sometimes, not when she is dressed in them mad costumes.

    Though when you say you think there is a reason for all the masks and veils- I think the same.

    Dont know about you, but to me, she comes across as such a fragile person with such thin skin, maybe the masks show her struggle between fear and being accepted?

    For example, she is always saying how she can sing and doesnt lipsync during shows, no one else does that! Also, wasnt there a time she wore a mask during an award event then took it off when she won? Its like she hides until she knows people like her... or the costume changes, constantly changing and coming up with even more weird things, its like she feels no one sees her and so she has to show she is there...

    Or maybe Im thinking too much into it :P

  • Long answer: I'd say she is a good looking person. She does a bunch of strange things that border "between fantasy and reality" for artistic expression in one major form, hyperbole. She accentuates things to get the most emotional reaction out of people she can, and it works. The reason that I think people say she is unattractive is simply because of her strangeness. I have nothing against that.

    Short answer: I'd say she's a good looking person, I guess.

    I want to point out that I really am not the best person to judge a woman's looks (I'm gay), but I thought I'd put my opinion out there anyways.

  • I think she is pretty.. if you look at her a while back, for example, when she was on boiling points. Now, I'm not so sure, I mean, do we ever really know what she looks like? I think she can make herself pretty now, and she does a good job.

  • genuine. there are pictures of her while she develop into in severe college and modern ones without make up and that i think of shes perfect. she has organic attractiveness yet covers with 5 kilos of make up that doesnt even look solid on her.

  • When she wears light makeup, or goes natural, (and dresses normal) she's pretty. If you find her performances before she became famous you can see. Problem is, she's so fake now, you'll never see her natural beauty. So I guess not anymore.

  • i think Lady Gaga is very attractive. especially now that has dyed her hair brown

  • she'll do.

    it's the whole package that interests me. i think she's a breath of fresh air for the music industry.

  • I've seen prettier girls. Much prettier.

  • I think she does very well with that which she was blessed.

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