Do you hold grudges? How long? How serious?
I can't hold a grudge. People do horrible things to me and minutes later I am laughing with them, forgetting to be angry. Even if I make up my mind that 'this situation deserves more than a few minutes of anger. I'm not speaking to so-and-so any more today.'- Can't do it. Even when speaking causes more trouble- "every time I speak to so-and-so today, he twists it and makes it sound like I'm _______ so I'm just gonna keep my opinions to myself. Minutes later- laughing, sharing my thoughts, and getting shot down and hurt again.\
HOW do you hold a grudge????
It's not good to hold a grudge. I do the same thing, forget to be angry. But wouldn't it be horrible if we did hold grudges? We wouldn't have any friend's. And if your friend's do what you say they do either talk to them or get new friends.
I do hold grudges unfortunately... I do not dwell on them to the point where they effect my everyday living but if someone has wronged me, my family or my friends, I then will remember it FOREVER so that I will not allow them to do it again. Perhaps this isn't even called holding a grudge but rather ,taking care and keeping watch over mine and others lives I care about.
I also limit time spent with any dipshit that goes around wronging people and it is a huge loss to them for I have alot to offer and they will never get a part of it !!!
: )
I can't really hold a grudge either but I do hold one when someone does something horrible to me and it will last for weeks or probably half a month then we'll talk.and it's not about how you hold one it's just you can't and that's why they keep doing mean things to you because they know you won't get mad and won't do anything.soon there going to do something way out of line and they'll think you'll forgive them but you have to tell them to stop or they won't it's bad to hold a grudge you have to talk about it with them or nothing will get fixed.good luck
Depends...why not ask your self, "why do I need to have people like and accept me" Those of us that have been "burned" by a Friend or someone we know usually learn after the first or second, possibly the third time "Man, this sucks... I'm not sure if I like this person anymore"
I have plenty of Friends, and people who care for me (as I am sure you do)... but there are very few people who will dare take advantage of me, because I live my life like this... if they burn me once, I will forgive, burn me twice... I do not forgive, and I do not hold a grudge... I am just done with them, life is too short to be connected to people who are rude or disrespectful. Love and respect your self, and you will no longer be the brunt of others jokes, or taken advantage of. You deserve respect, take it!
Yes I do,Im holding a current grudge for 3 years now......
to my ex-boss of 20 years.
its a serious one !!
Had a falling out with my sister and we didn't talk for over 20 years. Now we are back together and it is wonderful
Yeah, lets just say I haven't eaten at Auntie Anne's Pretzels in 3 years and I'm still mad as all heck at them!
Yes,I hold grudges, forever.
sometimes- longest grudge I usually hold is about a year- that was to a guy who stole me from my bf.
not very serious- I keep it bottled up,I show no emotion
I move on I dont have time for drama