How to do you judge a book? The first sentence? Paragraph?

Okay, so before I start writing I always get a little stuck and the only way I can proceed is to write the first sentence. It's usually easier to start with the weather or the time, but people say that they get put off if the first thing they read in a book is the weather. What do you think?

This is the beginning of my story by the way.. let me know what you think.. It describes a lot of the weather in it..

Isobel Robinson didn’t live. She existed.

The wind was dominating, replacing her thoughts with a howling echo. She struggled to keep her balance as the force of the storm pulled and pushed against her body. She was struck back by a blinding flash of light–a deafening boom of thunder sounded seconds later. The rain now fell in splintering sheets of ice, each bead of water stinging her soft skin more than the last. Bringing a drenched sleeve to her face she wiped away the hair that was plastered to her forehead. The cold rainwater had begun to find its way through the several layers of clothing she had on. She shivered. She could feel her skin rise with a sudden flush of goose bumps. Continuing down the saturated path she glanced straight in front at the car lights flashing past her. She was jealous, jealous of the people in the car. They were dry and warm whereas she could no longer feel her fingers and toes. Her ripped Converses held small puddles of rain water in the sole and her socks were drenched, the water still making its way through her clothing. The corners of her mouth creased into a slight smile as her house suddenly became clear in the haze of the rain.


  • I judge books by the first page. If it excites me and makes me want to read more.

    While I love your description, I'm a bit confused like to "either put this book aside or keep reading".

    It is good, I like the writing style but it doesn't show anything that booms into your face. Something that immediately captures the reader's attention. Your opening sentence though is fantastic.

  • I tend to read science fiction but my method holds good for all genres I have read.I open any book at a random page and read a few paragraphs If I want to find out more then I will read the book if not I wont.Most people choose books via the short synopsis on the back of the book.Your opening paragraph is fine for any type of book but from it I cannot tell what genre the book is nor what it is about.Don't write too please others, write in the way you are happy with after all its your story so you tell it how you want to . If you are lucky enough to get published the editors there will tell you what changes if any are needed.

  • Without even reading what you have written - There are hard fast rules for the publishing editors - They will often make the decision based upon the first five pages submitted to them.

    One of the best suggestions that I can give you is to get a copy of Noah Lukeman's book: The First Five Pages.

    I wish you well.

  • I think your opening paragraph is good, with the details on the weather, makes me want to read more.

  • So far, so good. Nice writing, better than a lot I've seen here, and so far there is no hint of vampires or werewolves - even better. AND, you write in third person - excellent!

  • you should never judge a book by its cover

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