Problem is political ideology for my essay?

well please dont say anything pointless that wont help me out...

i am doing an essay for ap government and the last part is about political ideology.

so my result for a test i took was that i am a "social conservative". is that a "political ideology". in the assignment description, the packet says to use one of the 5 point self indentification scales (strong liberal, liberal, leaning liberal, leaning conservative, conservative, strong conservative) and to stay away from just being liberal or conservative.

so is Social Conservative a political ideology that i can use in my essay? if not, then what are political ideologies? i know the Constitution Party is a party about SCism but if anyone could help me out...

thanks! best answer for the first and best answer!


  • Yes, it is a political ideology.

    Ideologies are broader ideas - political leanings, fiscal positions, beliefs and morals.

  • with the aid of fact people, particularly conservatives, don't comprehend Anarchism. they think of Anarchism capacity no regulation and order. incorrect! Anarchism basically capacity no rulers, even though it strongly helps regulations, however the regulations ought to take transport of via the individuals. fairly anarchism is "the individuals call for, the government obeys",

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