No Flames d-men on Team Canada?

Considering Phaneuf and Bouwmeester seemed close to locks at one time, what do you think? I think it's a good, strong statement that reputation doesn't matter as much as performance but I was still surprised, especially with Phaneuf.

Did they make the right choices on the blueline? It's probably the one area where we have the greatest advantage over other teams.


  • i have not seen the roster. coaches decision. there are three great defense men who deserved roster spots. at least one should have been picked. this is the olympics. not the N H L . different mind set different rules. to much international play to ignore. the coaches know their game. there decision. i am stunned. the coaches seen something we did not. i am going to pout.

  • I also thought, before the season at least, that Phaneuf and Bouwmeester would have made it over Seabrook/Doughty, but they really weren't playing well at all. Phaneuf was sooo hyped all of these years and everyone thought he was gonna win a Norris by now but he just makes too many mistakes. I really think Regehr should have made it also, one of the best shutdown d-men in the league.

  • Yzerman and his group picked their players to fill a specific need that they felt the team needed to be successful.

    If that meant excluding Phaneuf, Green and Regehr so be it, I think they know a little more about hockey that the rest of us.

    By the way, Phaneuf is one of the most overrated players in the game today.

  • At first i thought Phanuef and Bouwmeester would make it over Seabrook and Doughty but these two is having better season then Phanuef and Bouwmeester. Regher maybe could because hes an awesome defensive solid defense

  • I would have liked to see Green, but I never thought of Phaneuf or J-B as locks to be on there. The only D that most people agreed were locks were Neids and Pronger.

  • You can be hockey smart but your not Steve Yzerman hockey smart, the guy obviously knows what he's doing so don't question his decisions. Also I would be happy that players from my team aren't on the roster, how would you feel if Phaneuf was skating down the ice tears his ACL and misses 4 months of action?

  • Only Bouwmeester should've gone

  • Phaneuf should've made it. He's not even having a bad year. 8 goals, a bunch of big hits... He's playing the way he used to. Last year he sucked, but with how he's playing now, he should be on.

    In fact, no matter how you look at it, he should be on. If it's based on reputation, he should be, because other than last year, he's been one of the top defensemen in the league. If it's based on this year, he should be, because he's been better tha Pronger and Niedermayer this year.

    The other two though, I'm fine with being left off. Regehr is underrated, but isn't worthy of a spot over the current team, and Bouwmeester lacks expierience, and hasnt been great so far.

  • Phaneuf would be my first pick for a Dman. No idea why he's not on there

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