Genteee Ajuda lição de Inglês!!!!!!!! urgente?

Complete as Frases com o passado dos verbos entre parenteses !!!

a= She a coin on the street .(find)

b=The to me in English . (speak)

c= I a glass of milk . (drink)

d= They the looks from the sheff. (take)

e= The film at 9 o clock . (begin)

f= He me a present ( bring)

g= my dog a cat . ( BRITE )

h= They shaked their bady .( shake).

genteeeeee ajuda pro favor faltei na aula que a profº explicou agora não sei fazer !!!!!


  • são verbos irregulares... certo?!

    a=she found a coin the street.

    é so colocar o verbo no passado e no local correto na frase...

    um link do site com esses verbos no paasado é so da uma olhadinha e passar pro passado igual eu na primaira frase.

  • She found a coin on the street

    He spoke to me in English

    I drunk a glass of milk

    They took the looks from the sheff

    The film began at 9 o'clock

    He brought me a present (Ele me deu um present?(present é tempo verbal aqui, presente é gift)

    My dog bit a cat (verbo BITE)

    They shook their (body)

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