They can cost usually between several hundred and several thousand dollars. They do hurt at first, for the first few days (like, a lot, sorry, but you asked), and they hurt when they get tightened. It might give you a lisp for a little while until you get used to it, but then you can talk just like you would usually talk. It might be a little difficult to get used to eating with braces, but once you're used to it, it will be fine.
They can cost usually between several hundred and several thousand dollars. They do hurt at first, for the first few days (like, a lot, sorry, but you asked), and they hurt when they get tightened. It might give you a lisp for a little while until you get used to it, but then you can talk just like you would usually talk. It might be a little difficult to get used to eating with braces, but once you're used to it, it will be fine.
Between $5000 and $8000, depending on the type you get.
Yes, they hurt, but usually for only a few days after install or adjustment.
Chewing takes practise. You'll sound a bit different for a while, but then you get used to it (and other people too).