Has dreadlocs made police work hard.?

Ok, alot of us black men wear dreads in DC. Im frequently searched, and wrongfully convicted of crimes. Is it hard for police to distinguish the real bad guys?


Im not making excuses, but these are my actual experiences. It happens alot more then its reported. Im not mad at the world, Im a rational man. Many guys in DC/PG go through this on a regular basis. Im not seeking sympathy, but actual logic.


  • No

    In the 70's Bob marley wore the Rastafarian look.

    In the 80's the Jamaican Posse wore them.

    In the 90's they were done as extensions

    Since then, 2000+, especially with all the football stars wearing dreads, do you really think and officer has time to say, OH THE MAN GOT THEE DREADS, MEAN ME GOT TO SHAKE EM DOWN."


  • im sorry i dont really have an answer to your question but i find this REALLY sad. i feel sorry for you. must be dick cops if they pull up and search you just cause of your dreads and skin dude. hopefully they get some common sense

    *im not calling cops jerks in this, im just saying that if theres a cop that stops you just for being black with dreads that would be a jerk cop.*

  • You are wrongly convicted in court because of your dreadlocks.?

    I've heard a thousand excuses but that is a new one.

  • Not unless you bring in the K9 unit.

  • You attract cops as well as flies.

  • Um, I don't think that your hairstyle has much to do with it.

  • I don't think so.

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