Do I have paranoia or anxiety?

I'm usually alone, stay inside my house most of the time but when I go out, such as taking my dog for a walk around the block, I constantly look around me because I feel as though everyone or at least someone is watching me and judging me. I know at least one person is judging me when I go out, and it is irritating to me. When I walk down the road, I not once think about something other than 'what are the people in those cars thinking about me...' and I try to look as normal as possible when I walk.

I think the main reason I do this is because more than occasionally someone will whistle at me or beep at me as i'm walking down the road. It makes me feel extremely insecure.

I also worry quite a lot, think way too much about simple things.

So do you think I have paranoia or is this normal.


  • If you feel like someone is watching you and if you have hallucinations you may have...

    Otherwise if you feel like you are always being judged by others/ can't stand other people, you may have Social Anxiety Disorder

    If you are always extremely, overly anxious about everything you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Hope this helps! You are not alone. I suffer from serious anxiety too and it's hard, but I know you can go through this! My first advice is you should consult someone you trust or a professional.

    I hope you overcome this soon! =)

  • Get outside more.

    I used to have those feelings when I was unemployed.

    I spent most of my time in the house, and when I went outside, I felt like people were judging me.

    If you like the feeling of being alone, go with it.

    If not, get into a program, even if it's some goofy bingo thing, or just whatever.

    People shouldn't be alone.

    Dog parks are a great place to meet people.

  • Obviously what you are feeling is not "normal". Your life is being affected by the way you think about yourself and others. You need to seek professional counseling to sort out your feelings. These are not the types of issues that resolve themselves. You need to talk about the issue and try to find out why you are reacting this way. Best wishes to you

  • You should use lorazepam, it is the best about it you can get information from here

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