nintendo vs capcom who wins?

an all out brawl of charectars in the 2 companies who wins?


  • Samus Aran vs Megaman: close fight, but I think Samus would win this one

    Link vs. Dante: Sword vs Sword, Bow vs Handgun: Handgun wins

    Mario vs. Sonic: Both are very strong, but I think Sonic's fragility would bring about his downfall

    Donkey Kong vs. Ryu: Hadouken.

    Kid Icarus vs. Sir Arthur: Icarus can fly

    I think Nintendo just has a higher amount of original characters, so I think they'd win overall.

  • I think the Big N will win because if the opposing characters battle it out it will only happen in a Nintendo console. Capcom doesn't make consoles. They only make games.

  • Definitely Nintendo....

  • evryone takes a turn beating on mario and telling him ''you dont belong right here weakling'' then even as ryu n terry nevertheless beat on mario jin sneaks off and sneaks in a perilous blow to terry and it comes right down to jin n ryu they strive against till exhausted yet ryu turns evil and unleashes a stunning houdoken n kills jin

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