WHo mADe yOU?

Who made you, who you are?

Say what you want to,

but others played a part.

Sit back and think,

everyone you have ever known,

who all made a contribution;

make sure there are no exclusions.

Who originated that smile,

your favorite saying.

Who helped you to perfect your spelling,

your drawing,

your adding,

and subtracting.

It wasn’t all you.

Who made you

screw up your life?

There are others

who share some blame,

but it’s a shame to blame

when it’s all the same.

You chose who made you,

though the original production

was all chance.

You made choices

of who’s voices

became your road map

To Life.

But just the same

you can change

who will take you there

and where there will be.

Do you even know

where you are


So many choices

stop listening to all the voices.

Look to find your own way.


  • God made me (thru His creation and the procreation He bestowed in us)

    Jesus Christ made me the man I am today (the good parts, anyway)

  • Every person I've known, either good or bad, has put something into my life and thus formed me what I am today.

  • my parents, teachers, buttholes, austin powers

    thats all i can remember

  • my parents

  • God, my parents and DNA

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