Temporary Guardianship advice plz?

Ok I gave temp. guardianship of my son to my close friend who we known for years because im a only parent and im going to be leaving out of town due to several family issues down south. I have no other family in Virginia so i had to ask my friend who agreed. We found a legitimate form online signed it an had it notarized. I had to enroll my child in the school but they said that it had to be court appointed. I dont know how to go about getting it court appointed, if it costs any money to do that because i dont have money to spend on a lawyer and all of this mess. We both agreed and my son would be staying with them so whats the problem. And how long would the process take to get it court appointed, because im short on time. Would they not allow this. This is the state of Virginia. PLease i beg someone to answer my question, it would be rather helpful. Again i dont have money and i dont know the exact steps to this or how long this would take. maybe 1 week or so IDK PLEASE HELP! Thank you for taking out your time to answer this.


  • You didn't give legal guardianship to your friend because legal guardianship requires a judge's signature.

    You say you are an only parent? Does that mean dad is not in the picture at all? If this is the case, then having the friend appointed as guardian should be fairly straight forward. (I say SHOULD because you failed to identify your STATE and considering state law varies, I have no idea how your specific state handles this.)

    In MY state, you would need to go online to the state court's website and find the appropriate third party custody forms. You would need to fill them out. You would also need to get the form to ask the judge to waive the filing fee. If there is no father in the picture and nobody else has the right to custody of this child, you could simply take your completed forms in front of an ex parte judge or commissioner (there is a court room specifically designated for this) and ask the judge to sign the order.

    If there IS a father with custody rights but you have a family emergency, you can still ask the judge to sign the temporary order. It is unlikely a judge would refuse to do so.

    Filling out the paperwork would take the longest period of time. Once you have the paperwork filled out, you simply go to the courthouse during normal business hours, file them in the Clerk's office, and then go wait your turn to speak with the judge. In my courthouse, I wouldn't imagine the process would take longer than two hours on a fairly busy day.

  • I will positioned a hyperlink underneath that's for transitority guardianship that you are going to want signed through a notary. Depending at the age of the baby if she begins university she's going to ought to record her as homeless as a few colleges may not take her until it's courtroom ordered guardianship. Check each hyperlinks out.

  • Temp Guardianship is ONLY granted in a legal proceeding. You are merely abandoning, in the eyes of the law, your son otherwise and no no legally bound entity will allow a friend/babysitter to sign legal school papers. Get your act together before you lose custody altogether.

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