homophobia: prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality
it describes a real phenomenon, so as far as i'm concerned it's a legitimate word. it's just like saying the word "arachnophobia" is just there to descriminate against spiders.
well done u r officially the dumbest person i hav eva met a homophobe is som1 who is against gays and wat they do am i going to quick 4 u
and gay ppl r normal ur just someone who is so ignorant u cnt work dat out seriously did u even go 2 skool >:(
homophobia is a form of discrimination (dats bad) and technically da victims of homophobia r da gays not agent straight ppl Jesus christ i think u about as clever as a 7 year old well done. wow u rly r shurloc homes working dis conspiricy out *dumbass*
It's because most folks against homosexual rights are genuinly afraid of people being different from themselves: homosexuals, for instance. And also it's just to get back for not letting them have their rights.
homophobia: prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality
it describes a real phenomenon, so as far as i'm concerned it's a legitimate word. it's just like saying the word "arachnophobia" is just there to descriminate against spiders.
well done u r officially the dumbest person i hav eva met a homophobe is som1 who is against gays and wat they do am i going to quick 4 u
and gay ppl r normal ur just someone who is so ignorant u cnt work dat out seriously did u even go 2 skool >:(
homophobia is a form of discrimination (dats bad) and technically da victims of homophobia r da gays not agent straight ppl Jesus christ i think u about as clever as a 7 year old well done. wow u rly r shurloc homes working dis conspiricy out *dumbass*
It's because most folks against homosexual rights are genuinly afraid of people being different from themselves: homosexuals, for instance. And also it's just to get back for not letting them have their rights.
Homophobia was a word created to justify the abnormal behavior of these people.
Normal people? I am Gay and I am a normal boy -.-
Who cares? Let them get on with their lives. I'm too busy to care.
I'm beginning to think so.
would you pls describe *normal* to me !
aren't we gays normal !!!
what's normal ppl ?
Yep, you got it. Take that heterophobes.