Menstrual Cramps! Remedies?

Okay Im out of over the counter pain killers and they hurt so bad I don't even want to drive to the store right now and I already took two prescription pills that i had strictly for stomach pain but it hurts more in my abdomen. Anyone know of any remedies that can help me right now? Or what do you do to take care of them?


How about Chamomile.... I just drank some of that.... or was it pointless? lol


  • If you have a heating pad, you can use that. Or you can take a hot shower/bath.

  • Put a warm water bottle on your tummy. Drink herbal tea. And for medicines, BC works great.

  • a heating pad on your stomach. also drinking cranberry juice helps with cramps

  • eat bananas, nuts and take evening primrose capsules everyday :)

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