Too skinny to wear a dress?
I am 13 and I weigh 75 lbs. Yes, I know.. i'm super skinny. I don't starve myself, I'm naturally skinny. Everyone at school teased me about it, saying stuff like, "you look like a stick" and one girl told me "you're too skinny to be alive, stop trying to starve yourself."
I'm going to a wedding and I really don't want to wear a dress because people might stare.. please help me.. what should i do?
You should just wear a dress! They are cute, but wear one that makes you feel comfortable. Don't let what other people might think influence you! The good news is at a wedding, people will be staring at the bride's dress! No one will notice what you wear, but I'm sure you would look great in a dress! I'm sorry that people tease you about your weight! Just ignore them! You will look beautiful in a dress, wear it!
Being skinny isn't a bad thing!! I know how you feel im 16 and i weigh 95 lbs but i love wearing dresses it makes me feel so skinny and tiny lol don't be embarrassed or ashamed to be skinny show off your skinny body!! Don't listen to what other people say i was the same weight as you when i was 13 i know how it feels but i knew those girls who said i was too skinny were jealous because they can't be that skinny!! Lol trust me they just wanna make you feel bad because your beautiful and skinny!
But i think you should wear whatever you want!!
Maybe you could wear a loose fitting summer dress that still looks fancy enough for a wedding? Maybe a spaghetti strap summer dress would look nice.
Wear a dress with some poof
Like this.
On a more serious note have you been checked for Hyperthyroidism? People with Hyperthyroidism, not hypothyroidism, often have a lower body weight than is healthy for their height and can't gain weight without medication. If you aren't like 4'6 then you might want to talk to your doctor about it.
Wear a maxi dress. If it'll be chilly wear a light cardigan over the dress. You'll look fine
wear a long dress