Is a fungi a detrivore or a decomposer?

Also is a lichen a detrivore or decomposer?



  • You generally use terms like herbivores, carnivores and detritivores when speaking of animals. Decomposer would be the better term. They have pretty much the same meaning though.

  • A detrivore is an organism that feeds on detritus, dead and decomposing organisms. What they leave behind is used by decomposers. Vultures and crabs are detrivores. A decomposer is an organism that breaks down organic matter. Some bacteria and fungi decomposers. What they leave behind is used by primary producers.

  • Both. a detritivore and a decomposer are the same thing.

    also a saprotroph

    they are synonymous

  • decomposer

  • A fungus is a decomposer. ( Fungus = singular, fungi =plural)

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